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  • Welcome to the modern age of tax accounting.
  • Professional tax advice should be available to everyone.

    Completing the Mission: We will guide our customers through education, communication, and personalized service to the best tax decisions. These decisions will be used as the bedrock of completing all of the reaccuring technical aspects of paperwork that often burdens the community.

  • Knowledge and guidance leads to success.
  • Tax preparation and planning becomes a simple routine and while your at it you can learn to keep those extra dollars.
  • ATP will continue to follow the latest trends, innovate, educate, learn, and improve.
  • We will give back to the community with the resources we have available and the blessings that we receive.
  • Mission: To simplify tax filing and provide the advice you need.

@Accounting Taxes and Public Documents Inc. Eric L Vincent Phone:(847)485-8524